Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Another honor bestowed upon me thanks to my association with Robert Lee Brewer and the absolutely amazing poets of the Writer's Asides group. I have been riding high on my laurels since Robert had named me the 2010 Poetic Asides April PAD Poet Laureate on his birthday. Fittingly, my chapbook, "Worth a Thousand Words" has been selected as one of the top seven finalist for the November Chapbook Challenge a day before mine. The top honor, and deservedly so, went to Uma Gowrishankar for her chapbook, "Inhale".

I had submitted two manuscripts for the challenge. The first "Chronicles of the Traveling Red Suit", was a collection of my "I Am Santa" poems. A rough draft of a future work for sure. I am proud of this one in its own right.

But, "Worth a Thousand Words" is a compilation of some of my concrete poetry. Concrete poetry is a visual representation having a direct connection to the poetry proffered. Each "picture", although not nessessarily comprised of a thousand words, conveys the work in an artful way. From Snoopy, to a fishing pond, to an electric guitar, each was a unique challenge in itself. If I am ever questioned about poetry being an art form, I will place "Worth a Thousand Words" on the table and answer with a resounding "Yes!"

Along with Robert Lee Brewer and his gracious wife Tammy (Thanks Tammy), I must also express my gratitude to the following people:

Marie Elena Good, a good and loyal friend and wonderful poet as well. Marie has supported these efforts, while provoking and nurturing the works, along with offering her own takes on every piece. A great partner with whom I am happy and proud to share the blog "Across the Lake, Eerily".

Sara Gwen, another of the Poetic Asides contributors you helped reveal the "secrets" of spacing in relation to the PA site.

My daughters Melissa and Andrea who have been my biggest critics and supporters. I love that they share my interest in the written word, being partial to poetry as well.

And thanks to all of the fantastic poets I have encountered on this incredible network called the Internet.
You have all added a small piece of yourselves through your works and words.


  1. Wait, that's a wonderful accomplishment! I hope to challenge you again during April's PAD contest! Love staying in touch with all our poet friends.

  2. As usual, you humble your friend across the lake. SO proud of your accomplishments, PArtner. But, you knew that.

  3. You deserved the honor, Walt. Your concrete poetry was authentic and superbly well done!
