Monday, October 25, 2010


Out of the darkness
where you’ve hidden your muse
in the shadowy thicket, bringing
it into the bright daylight.
No matter how you fight
to keep your ideas fresh and new,
your view had been used; your vantage point
has been abused. So, you slant
your rant in a slightly twisted way,
bringing forth a new version of the things you say.
Breathing a sigh of relieved contentment,
you discard resentment and go through the paces,
filling the empty spaces with bits of your wit
and finally getting “it”. One foot after the other,
Brother. You’re back in business.
You’re stepping out. Welcome home,
you’ve emerged a better man for it.


  1. Walt, this is beautifully constructed: the slant rhymes are most successful. And in addition you produce encouragement for all who wre blocked! Thank you.

  2. Walt, thank you so much for taking the time over on PAD to give me the tutorial on spacing. My next poem will have to be shaped, and I can't wait!
